Monday, January 10, 2022

Olive Leaf Extract

Olive Leaf Extract: 

...People are dying who potentially don't have to die. Olive leaf extract is safer than most pharmaceutical drugs, and in my limited experience, it actually worked. If sharing my experience can save one life, it's absolutely worth facing some criticism.

To be clear, this is only my experience, and it is not definitive proof of anything. For that, we need clinical trials. But we most likely won't get clinical trials for this, because there's no profit motive for a company to research a natural substance that they can't patent. 

To be scientifically accepted, medicines need to undergo multiple stages of clinical trials, and those trials need to be replicated by different researchers. All of this costs a lot of money to do. Private corporations will happily invest that money if they can patent the drug and have a monopoly on it for the next ten years.

But for a natural medicine that no one can patent and anyone can sell, private corporations have no incentive to do that research. That leaves most natural medicines perpetually in the "unproven" category, no matter how promising they might be.

    My goal was to use olive leaf extract in a preventative way: to prevent the virus from replicating and damaging my body in the process. Meanwhile, I gave my body time to create antibodies to eliminate the virus on its own.

it has been studied with viruses such as HIV, RSV, influenza, and common cold viruses. It's generally considered to be a broad antiviral that works in two ways: it stops viruses from attaching to your cells, and it stops viruses from replicating (expanding the infection). It also has been shown to increase the body's natural immune response.

Olive leaf extract cannot kill or eliminate the virus completely; it can only stop or slow its replication. So this is not a cure. It stops the progression of the infection. 

When I took olive leaf extract for COVID-19, my goal was just to stop the virus from spreading long enough for my body to produce its own antibodies. As I mentioned before, that's usually around two weeks. My theory was that after that time, my specific immune response would be able to eliminate the virus on its own. By stopping the virus from replicating, I'd be able to prevent the virus from damaging my lungs and organs during the time it took for my body to produce antibodies.

Olive leaf extract can be purchased in liquid or in capsule (powder) form. The liquid form can be absorbed by the body more easily. However, I've always used powder capsules and have had good results. When you're buying a supplement, look for a higher percentage of oleuropein. I use Swanson super strength 750 mg capsules, which have 20% oleuropein.

Oleuropein is metabolized by your body in three hours. That means the virus can begin replicating again three hours after you take olive leaf extract, unless you take more. So I took one capsule every 2 1/2 to 3 hours. That included waking up in the middle of the night to take it. If you're not high risk, it may be okay to take it less often (although you'll notice that you start to have symptoms again). But for high-risk people, I'd recommend being very careful with the timing, so the virus doesn't have an opportunity to replicate and spread.

I continued with that dosage for about a week and a half. I assumed that I was infected for a few days before I started showing symptoms. So by one and a half weeks, I figured I was probably infected for a long enough time (or close to it) for my body to produce antibodies. You may want to continue with that dosage for a longer time, especially if you're high risk. The amount of time that it takes to produce antibodies is not the same for everyone.

After the initial week and a half, I cut back my dosage to three times a day. Mild symptoms did return, but I recovered completely within a couple of days. You can discuss with your doctor the right dosage for this stage; it should depend on your risk factors. Higher risk individuals should reduce the dosage more gradually. 




(reddit comment:) Just advice for others, skip the cheap turmeric supplements. They have very little curcumin and use tricks to deceive people. The pricier ones are legit (Dr's Best, Now, Jarrow, Gaia, etc.) Although this study is from Now (and notice they did not include their main competitors I listed), not fully independent, it shows how little actual curcumin is in these supplements and some contain toxic metals.

Olive Leaf Extract

Olive Leaf Extract:  ...People are dying who potentially don't have to die . Olive leaf extract is safer than most pharmaceutical drugs...