Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Antidotes after Vaccination

 The following was adapted from these Twitter threads:  Thread about 3 Enzymes  and Thread about 1 Enzyme (the best of the 3), Fucoidans PQQ

For breaking up blood clots formed by the spike proteins:

SERRAPEPTASE (from silkworms), LUMBROKINASE (from earthworms), NATTOKINASE (from fermented soy) All three enzymes are natural (not synthetic) blood thinners that work against blood clots and prion aggregates.

Synthetic blood thinners can have bleeding side effects.

SERRAPEPTASE (amazon) (The best choice): - Probably best effective at breaking up spike proteins since used by silkworms to work with tough silk fibers.
- Also breaks up misfolded proteins called prions (which leads to Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, etc) Quercetin (Amazon) also makes prion aggregates partially degradable with enzymes (take Quercetin as well). - Should be labeled enteric coated

LUMBROKINASE (from earthworms):
- Especially doesn't cause excessive bleeding (because it only works in presence of fibrin)
    ("Unlike t-PA, lumbrokinases exhibit thrombolytic activity only in the presence of fibrin. Therefore, lumbrokinase has the advantage of not causing excessive bleeding.") https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3531398/?report=reader#!po=1.00000

- Natto has Vitamin K2 which may cause bleeding but doesn't have an effect at recommended doses.
- But Nattokinase is extracted from Natto, so there is no K2 to worry about.

This article ("Jab Remorse") recommends Resveratrol for inhibiting blood clots and Nattokinase for busting blood clots:

Resveratrol: (Amazon)

"It comes as no surprise to learn that the red wine molecule resveratrol, which was identified as a key component of in the French Paradox (the fact the French ate fattier foods and had higher blood cholesterol levels but far lower rates of mortality from heart disease) was attributed to its ability to inhibit blood clots in coronary arteries. 

Enzymatic clot buster: nattokinase:  

A most remarkable way to reduce micro-clots is to break them up enzymatically.  If you are in an ambulance with a potentially mortal blockage of a coronary artery that supplies your heart with oxygen, a paramedic may inject an enzyme/drug, streptokinase, to break up that potentially life-threatening clot.  An off-the-shelf enzyme that breaks up blood clots is nattokinase and is as effective and safe as streptokinase.  Nattokinase is derived from fermented soybean natto cheese, popular in Japan.  Nattokinase is available as a natural remedy in health shops.  A single dose (2000 fibrinolytic units or FU) works for up to 8-12 hours following oral ingestion and is superior in some ways to anti-clotting drugs.  In milligrams, a 200-400 mg dose is sufficient and directly breaks up fibrin clots which comprise what is measured in the D-Dimer test.  Ideally nattokinase should be taken on an empty stomach without other accompanying medicines or dietary supplements.

For preventing future spike proteins from creating more blood clots:
(the vaccine makes the body make the spike proteins indefinitely, so action must be taken to not only bust present blood clots, but also to prevent future blood clots): 

Fucoidan Extract: Amazon

Fucoidans are abundant in (brown) seaweed.

Fucoidans bind directly to the "claw" part of spikes rendering them unable to attach to ACE2, etc.

For regenerating mitochondria damaged by spike proteins: 

    PQQ + CoQ10

PQQ with Ubiquinol (stronger but more expensive)
Ubiquinol is an enhanced version of CoQ10.

Just PQQ  (much cheaper option)

Take 2 to 3 a day for therapeutic dose (opinion from Twitter).

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